How to install and trust self-signed certificates on Android 11?

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This mini-blog will guide you on how to install and trust your self-signed certificate on Android 11.

1. Download your self-signed certificates

Android 11 requires extra steps to install and trust your self-signed certificate. Please carefully follow the guideline:

  • Download self-signed certificate: You can use Proxyman or other Proxy Tools that allows you to generate and download a self-signed certificate via local proxy server.

  • For Proxyman app, you can follow this Android Guideline to understand how to setup HTTPS Proxy from your Wifi to Proxyman.

  • Then visiting to download the certificate

2. Install & Trust

  • Setting app -> Security -> Encryption & Credentials -> Install a Certificate -> Select CA Certificate option

  • Select Install Anyway

Install and trust self-signed certificates

  • Select Proxyman Certificate that you downloaded on your storage

Install and trust self-signed certificates

3. Verify that you're trusted the certificate

  • Open Trusted Credentials -> User Tab and you can see your certificate here

Install and trust self-signed certificates

4. Start intercepting HTTPS Traffic

You can continue to add extra param to Android Source code in order to intercept HTTPS Traffic.

Proxyman is a high-performance macOS app, which enables developers to capture HTTPs traffic on iOS device, iOS Simulator and Android devices.

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Noah Tran
Noah Tran