How I use Proxyman to capture iPhone traffic?
This mini-blog would demonstrate how to use Proxyman for macOS to capture and see HTTP/HTTPS Traffic from your iOS Devices.
1. Configuration:
1.1/ Download the app
If you haven't downloaded the app, let download the latest version from Proxyman website
If you're a new Proxyman user, please follow Getting Started with Proxyman.
If you've done, you can see the HTTP/HTTPS Traffic from your macOS machine.
1.2/ Setup the Certificate for my iPhone
Please go to Certificate Menu -> Install Certificate on iOS -> Physic Devices.
iOS Setup Guidline would show you all required steps:
1.3/ Config Wifi pointing to Proxyman
Get your iPhone device -> Go to Setting App -> Wifi -> (Select current Wifi) -> Configure Proxy -> Manual. Then I used the same Server and Port on Guideline to configure Proxy on my iPhone.
Please update the IP
to the IP, which is displayed in the iOS Guideline Windows.
1.4/ Install Proxyman Profile
At this step, we can see all requests coming from my device on Proxyman app. However, in order to see content of Responses, I will need to install Proxyman Certificate.
You can scan the QR code with your phone to be quickly navigated to OR
Go to Safari -> -> Click on Allow button.
If you could not access this domain, make sure you turn OFF all VPN apps on your iPhone devices. Otherwise, please follow this troubleshooting.
1.5/ Install Proxyman Certificate
Then go to Setting App -> Profiles Downloaded -> Select Proxyman CA -> Install
1.6/ Trust Proxyman Certificate
From iOS 10.3+, we need to trust certificate manually. Thus, final step is go to Setting App -> General -> About -> Certificate Trust Settings -> Turn ON “Enable full trust for root certificates”
2. Time to debug Unsplash
OK, enough config. It’s time to actually see HTTP requests/ responses coming from Unsplash app.
From now, we can see all iPhone’s requests showed up after we finished configuring a proxy.
2.1/ Search and Pin a domain
First, We search for app Unsplash with Command+Shift+F (You can also search the app using Search bar).
Then, right click and select Pin. This is one of interesting features of this app. We can Drag & Drop a specific domain into Pin section. As soon as we pin a domain, Proxyman automatically enables SSL Proxying for this domain too.
2.2/ See decrypted HTTPS Content
Make a request again, you can see the HTTPS Request/Response in plain text.
Additions: Open content with Editing tool
There is a small button on the top right corner. When clicking the app reveals some Editing app, which is installed on your macOS machine.
You can also access other built-in functionalities such as search, search and replace...within the body content as easily as your familiar Editor tools.
What going next?
After this tutorial, you can inspect HTTP/HTTPS Traffic from your iOS devices with Proxyman for macOS.
If you would like to go further, there is the next step:
- Learn to use Breakpoint tool, to manipulate the data on the fly.
- Learn to use Map Local to provide a Mock Response.
- Use iOS Simulator?
- ...
Proxyman is a high-performance macOS app, which enables developers to capture and inspect HTTP(s) traffic from apps and domains on iOS devices, iOS Simulators, and Android devices.
Get it at